
An Effective Customer Referral Program Uses These Strategies

Your current base of loyal repeat customers will provide a significant portion of your company’s income, but they could also be an important source of new customers. An effective customer referral program will allow you to expand your business with new customers while also improving relationships with existing clients. Here are five ways to make…

Generate Leads with Social Media and Funnel Them to Your CRM Tool

More and more, social media is being used as a fertile ground for finding, qualifying, and converting leads. If you generate leads with social media, however, you also need an effective and efficient way to handle those leads once you have them. The following techniques can help you improve the way you generate leads with social…

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Customer Relationship Management and Marketing Go Hand-In-Hand

Once you’ve acquired a pool of customers, you can’t assume they’ll stick with you and return to purchase again and again. The relationship between your company and your customers must be nurtured and cultivated over time, which will translate into more sales and better customer retention. Customer relationship management helps keep your existing customers happy and…

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