Explore Our Technology and Marketing Innovation Blog

Let Halo Programs guide you through the complicated world of marketing with our curated selection of articles. With topics centered around technology and marketing innovation, you are sure to find answers to any question you may have as a Loan Officer, Realtor or HVAC Specialist.

A leading force in the Automated Marketing industry for over 50 years, Halo Programs shares their insight into business, helping you get more leads and keep existing clients happy. This blog section contains countless insider tips that apply to both partners already using our Marketing Automation services and those who are still looking for the perfect Mortgage Broker marketing solution.

We invite you to try our innovative CRM for free today and experience the Halo Programs difference for yourself. It can almost be guaranteed that you will not want to go back to trying to find, manage and retain customers on your own!

  • Making The Most Of Your Email Marketing Campaigns

    An email marketing campaign can be an effective tool that optimizes your existing database of customers. But what is the best way to go about implementing email marketing to make your investment in this tool successful?

  • Customer Prospecting — The Neighborly Marketing Approach

    Businesses that rely on local consumers to drive sales can benefit from taking a neighborly approach to marketing. Used in combination with other direct-mail marketing campaigns, a multilevel strategy that includes customer prospecting can be an ideal, cost-effective means to producing a more effective customer database.

  • Are You Using Business Ecards For Marketing? Three Reasons You Should Be

    Are you satisfied with results of your marketing efforts? Does your overall marketing strategy include a variety of tools, including social media, direct mail and lead generation to reach the widest consumer base possible? If it doesn’t include business ecards for marketing, you’re likely missing out on a huge demographic and the potential to increase…

  • Using Turnkey Marketing Solutions To Generate Exclusive Leads

    Lead generation has long been used by businesses to increase sales. What’s new about lead generation, however, is how it’s done — and the cost-per-lead ratio with this new approach is much more cost effective. Using internet technology and a host of marketing communication solutions, the ability to get a return of exclusive leads just…

  • Four Email Marketing Tips For Lead Generation

    Already convinced that email marketing works? An effective campaign should inform consumers, increase your brand awareness and retain existing customers. But your strategy should also include factors that guarantee lead generation to maximize your efforts — and guarantee results.

  • How Referral Programs Put Your Customers To Work For You

    Your business most likely has existing customers who are satisfied with your products and services, so why not take advantage of the opportunity to extend your customer base with an effective, formalized referral program? Sometimes called “word of mouth” marketing, developing a referral program within your overall marketing strategy can optimize something that probably already…

  • Fine-Tuning Your HVAC Marketing Strategy

    An effective HVAC marketing strategy should generally include a broad spectrum of tools designed to reach your target consumer, and yield results. But, finding out just what those tools are can be difficult, and that process requires time. And unless you have the time to spend hours staying up-to-date on the latest marketing know-how, your…

  • Boost Marketing ROI In Three Easy Steps

    It makes sense to invest in marketing, because it’s a proven way to boost your overall sales. However, if you develop a marketing strategy without a definitive plan, you could be wasting valuable dollars. But even if you have a strategic plan, it’s important to know the effectiveness of that plan, so you can make…

  • Customer Retention Programs — Three Ways To Nurture And Maintain Customer Relationships

    Want to know what your customers are really thinking? You can create and nurture the relationship with your current customers with effective customer retention programs that allow you to keep your business at the forefront of your customers’ minds, as well as allowing them the opportunity to provide input — giving you valuable, real-time information…

  • Three Essential Benefits Of Targeted Email Campaigns

    Are you using your leads wisely? While it’s important to have a collection of valuable leads (qualified and other), what you do with those leads generally dictates success. Much of marketing’s hype is currently centered on social media, leading some to believe email is a relic, but that’s just not true. Targeted email campaigns may…

  • Automatic Thank You Cards Let Customers Know You Care

    The value of a personal note is priceless, and optimizing that connection with your customers can mean the difference between getting lost in all the marketing noise and helping your company stand out to your valued customers. Automatic thank you cards can make that communication process infinitely easier — and with a more systematic, planned…

  • It’s About Them… Customers, Clients, Partners, and Prospects

    Posted by Terry Bean The sooner you figure that out, the more effective relationships you’ll have.  The more effective your relationships are, the faster your business will grow.  Remembering this when it comes to your communications will set you apart from most other people we will meet. Why? Because most people haven’t contemplated this possibility:…