Halo Programs Announces Integration with Testimonial Tree
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Halo Programs Announces Integration with Testimonial Tree

Halo Programs, Inc. is excited to announce a new integration with Testimonial Tree. Halo Programs’ real estate marketing and mortgage CRM software is now integrated with Testimonial Tree’s online reputation management system. This partnership will benefit real estate agents and loan officers by automatically passing online reviews between the two platforms. Kirk King, President of…

Personalizing Products Using Web to Print Technology

Personalizing Products Using Web to Print Technology

Technology has improved how companies do business in many ways. It has also raised the expectations of customers. People want convenience, more options, and quality communications with companies. To earn business and keep customers loyal, your company must constantly be looking for ways to improve customer engagement. When you provide a way for customers to…

Three Components of a Successful Enterprise Marketing Strategy

Three Components of a Successful Enterprise Marketing Strategy

The success of your business relies on you constantly generating new customers and also maintaining an ever-growing database of loyal customers. Achieving that requires an enterprise marketing strategy that always fits with your business plan and can be adapted as the market changes. Be sure these three essential components are part of your marketing strategy….

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5 Benefits of Corporate Database Marketing

Corporate database marketing involves collecting, analyzing, and processing your data on both current and potential customers. Companies have been using database marketing for many years. However, you can now leverage social media and innovative marketing strategies to collect more detailed profiles and use this enhanced information to create sophisticated marketing programs that target specific segments….

How to Propel Your Small Business With Radius Marketing
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How to Propel Your Small Business With Radius Marketing

Marketing to your existing customers and using marketing to expand is obviously important for any small business. Radius marketing, which targets people around a certain address, could be just what your company needs. Keep reading to learn more about this style of marketing and how it can help you retain your current customers and find…

Communicating with Customers: Finding the Best Ways to Get Your Message Across

Communicating with Customers: Finding the Best Ways to Get Your Message Across

Your customers keep your business afloat and your bottom line in the black. As a small business owner, they’re clearly your biggest asset and one you need to retain at all costs. Doing that isn’t always easy though. One of the main reasons a small business can lose customers, or never get enough of them…

Invitation Mailers: How to Make Sure Your Next Event is a Huge Success

Invitation Mailers: How to Make Sure Your Next Event is a Huge Success

Events are a huge part of getting new customers to work with your company for many small businesses. That’s true of all sorts of companies, from art galleries to car dealerships to service-based businesses like landscape designers and insurance agencies. Knowing how to design and create an invitation mailing successfully can be tricky, however. In…

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