Unlocking the Power of MortgageHalo: The Best Mortgage CRM Tool with Unmatched Open Rates

Unlocking the Power of MortgageHalo: The Best Mortgage CRM Tool with Unmatched Open Rates

Introduction In the competitive landscape of mortgage marketing, effective communication with clients and prospects is crucial. MortgageHalo sets itself apart as the best mortgage CRM tool, delivering over double the open rates of its competitors. This remarkable performance highlights the importance of choosing the right CRM for mortgage brokers, companies, and professionals who want to…

Metrics that Help You Measure Your Inbound Marketing Success

Inbound marketing offers companies dozens of ways to assess whether or not a campaign is working. Depending on what you’re trying to accomplish with your inbound marketing techniques, you could measure success by the number of new addresses gathered, the number of Facebook followers, or the number of downloads of your content. In the context…

The Importance of Marketing ROI and How to Measure Program Success

The amount of money and resources spent on marketing represents a significant portion of most companies’ annual operating budgets. To be certain that you’re getting the best return on investment (ROI), it’s necessary to measure marketing ROI in terms that allow you to evaluate where your marketing expenses are producing the best and most profitable results.

Creating a Marketing Message With True Substance and Differentiation

Creating a Marketing Message With True Substance and Differentiation

Successful marketing requires more than just establishing the aesthetic look and feel of your products or company. The best designed and presented marketing materials won’t be effective without a solid, credible and convincing message behind them. Here are some ways of creating a marketing message that will get your point across quickly and show prospective customers…

Cross Selling Strategies That Truly Generate Profitable Results

Effectively applied cross selling strategies let you improve your customers’ experience while also increasing overall revenue and profits. When you cross sell, you’re providing added value and more solutions with additional products and services that complement what they’ve already purchased. Here are some effective cross selling strategies that will benefit your bottom line while helping your…

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Repeat Customer Marketing: Growing Your Existing Book of Business

Study after study has shown that it costs more for a business to attract new customers than to retain existing ones. Low estimates suggest it’s four times more costly to get a new customer than keep an old one, while higher estimates put the cost at 30 times or higher. A well-planned and executed program…

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