4 Key Areas That Can Boost Your Banks Marketing Strategy

Finding new customers and retaining the ones you already have are critical components of bank marketing strategy. By concentrating your marketing and customer engagement efforts on the following four areas, you can improve customer service while increasing the number of new clients for your banking services. Acquire New Customers Who Have Moved to Your Area New mover…

4 Ways Loan Officers Can Use Video Marketing To Engage Prospects

Video marketing is an effective way to reach clients. Videos often engage the viewer more than words alone. A variety of professionals use video marketing to help garner more clients, including loan officers. What sort of videos should you create? Standing in front of the camera and speaking scripted lines can be dry and boring….

4 Mortgage Marketing Strategies To Broaden Your Client Base

For a busy mortgage professional, marketing can sometimes be overlooked or given minimal attention in favor of the daily tasks needed to run a successful company. Short-changing marketing, however, is damaging to your business in the long term. A dedicated investment in marketing now will ensure a broad and ever-expanding client base that will keep…

4 Easy Ways To Promote Client Loyalty Among Real Estate Clients

If you hope to build client loyalty in the real estate industry, it’s essential to go above and beyond what clients expect. Not sure where to start? Use the following four ideas to promote loyalty among your real estate clients. 1) Plan Loyalty-Building Events You can hold any type of event you want, but two popular loyalty-building…

4-Step Process to Improving Bank and Credit Union Cross-Selling

If you’re reading this article, you know it is a competitive market when it comes to finding new customers to keep revenues stable or growing for your financial institution. Improving cross-selling processes for banks and credit unions is a viable way to ensure a steady stream of revenue from existing customers – in a difficult market. What Is Cross-Selling?In…

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