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Let Halo Programs guide you through the complicated world of marketing with our curated selection of articles. With topics centered around technology and marketing innovation, you are sure to find answers to any question you may have as a Loan Officer, Realtor or HVAC Specialist.

A leading force in the Automated Marketing industry for over 50 years, Halo Programs shares their insight into business, helping you get more leads and keep existing clients happy. This blog section contains countless insider tips that apply to both partners already using our Marketing Automation services and those who are still looking for the perfect Mortgage Broker marketing solution.

We invite you to try our innovative CRM for free today and experience the Halo Programs difference for yourself. It can almost be guaranteed that you will not want to go back to trying to find, manage and retain customers on your own!

  • Are Your Inbound Marketing Strategies Paying Off? 5 Metrics to Make That Determination

    Are Your Inbound Marketing Strategies Paying Off? 5 Metrics to Make That Determination

    The more you rely on inbound marketing to produce leads and clients, the more you need to know which elements of these processes are working and what results they’re producing. Relying on the wrong metrics to evaluate inbound marketing performance can leave you embracing statistics that may look impressive but aren’t truly representative of your marketing programs….

  • 7 Marketing Tactics That Can Quickly Become Mistakes if Not Delivered Just Right

    7 Marketing Tactics That Can Quickly Become Mistakes if Not Delivered Just Right

    Some types of marketing techniques leave little room for error when you use them in your campaigns. Here are seven relatively common marketing tactics that can turn into significant errors if they’re not applied correctly.

  • Are You Lacking in Referrals? Get in the Head of Your Clients for Guidance

    Are You Lacking in Referrals? Get in the Head of Your Clients for Guidance

    When your clients are happy with their experiences with you, they often provide word-of-mouth endorsements for your business. This often includes referrals, which are suggestions made to friends and family that they, too, should use your products and services and should expect an equally fine client experience. Referral marketing is a powerful way to build your business quickly…

  • New Resource Now Available on Database Marketing

    At Halo Programs, we’re always looking for ways to help our clients improve relationships with their customers. It’s what we do. One of the areas we specialize in to help companies with their customer communications is intelligent database marketing. We have now launched the first in a series of info sheets to help companies fully…

  • Customer Satisfaction Tips: How to Understand What Customers Want

    Customer Satisfaction Tips: How to Understand What Customers Want

    Serving your customers and keeping them satisfied is vital to the continued existence of your business. Yet maintaining happy customers and anticipating what they want seems as difficult as ever. Customer satisfaction doesn’t require magic or the ability to predict the future; it simply requires the ability to see your business and the benefits of your offerings…

  • Customer Loyalty: How to Build Emotional Bonds that Keep Your Customers Coming Back

    Customer Loyalty: How to Build Emotional Bonds that Keep Your Customers Coming Back

    When consumers buy an item, it’s common for the buyer to justify the purchase through logic, good reasons or practical concerns. In the majority of cases, however, this justification is a smokescreen. The actual purchase was motivated by an emotional reaction, whether to the company, the marketing message, the salesperson or the product itself. A company…

  • When Client Retention Rises, Profits Usually Follow — 9 Ways to Keep Them Happy

    When Client Retention Rises, Profits Usually Follow — 9 Ways to Keep Them Happy

    Substantial profits can come from repeat customers, and well-crafted and applied client retention strategies are the key to repeat business. Here are nine simple but effective ways to keep customers coming back to you.

  • 3 Marketing Trends That Will Become Bigger Buzz Words in 2014

    3 Marketing Trends That Will Become Bigger Buzz Words in 2014

    Some current marketing trends show signs of continued strength in 2014, and many appear to be set to become even more important to the contemporary marketer. Here are three marketing trends that are poised to undergo further refinements and become bigger factors over the coming year. Social media: As participation in platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn…

  • Revamping Your Lead Generation Campaign With the Start of a New Year

    Revamping Your Lead Generation Campaign With the Start of a New Year

    The start of a new year is a convenient milestone to celebrate while at the same time reviewing your lead generation tactics. Here are four of the most basic principles of lead generation. If your lead generation system is falling short in any of these areas, take the time to revamp your techniques and ensure the consistent…

  • 3 Business Branding Errors to Avoid

    3 Business Branding Errors to Avoid

    A strong brand communicates a compelling message about your company. Stability, trustworthiness, care for customers–all are characteristics that a well-established brand represents. Building your brand takes careful attention to your company’s stated mission and identity and how those characteristics are presented to the world. Great care should be taken to avoid the following three major mistakes when…

  • Locating Your Target Market — Narrow It Down for Greater Success

    Locating Your Target Market — Narrow It Down for Greater Success

    As a businessperson, you know your products and services well, and you probably know who you sell to most often. But do you really know your target market as well as you should? Here are some suggestions you can use to narrow down your target market and help you see the most profitable areas for your marketing…

  • Is Your Company’s Email Marketing Working? 7 Areas to Evaluate

    Is Your Company’s Email Marketing Working? 7 Areas to Evaluate

    Email marketing remains a powerful, practical, and economical way of distributing your marketing messages to a wide audience. As you refine your email marketing processes, keep in mind the following seven areas that can help ensure your emails get opened and read.