Halo Programs | How to Help Service Techs Succeed at Growing Revenue

How to Help Service Techs Succeed at Growing Revenue

As a contractor, you have to wear a lot of hats — literally. Being great at the technical side of your job is vital for obvious reasons. You also must have outstanding people skills and non-salesy salesmanship.

Once you’ve mastered the perfect cocktail of job skills and personality traits, you need a team of techs who embody the same essential qualities. This can be a tall order to fill, but remember: you can’t train someone to have a great personality, but you can train someone with a great personality to succeed with optimal service tech performance.

Here are a few ways to help your service techs boost your bottom line:

Hire Right (and Keep Them)

Take the time to hire people who embody your company’s culture, rather than just employing someone who seems like they’ve got the experience for the job.

It’s not always easy to keep good service techs in this cyclical industry, but the right people will be just as invested in your business as you are. Taking the time upfront will pay off in the long run.

Keep Your Contact Database Clutter-Free

If your customers’ contact information has found itself in shoeboxes stuck on faded sticky notes, it’s time to make better use of this very useful information.

Upgrade your organization methods, and employ the use of a customer relationship management (CRM) system. CRMs will store key conversations and important information, ensuring your service techs have everything they need to foster positive relationships with your consumers.

Preach the Importance of Referrals

Create economic incentives that let your techs reap the benefits of their great service. Referrals are an integral part of the industry and should be part of your contractor marketing program. Great employees should share in the rewards that come from their efforts.

Having a reputation for delivering service tech performance which outshines that of your competitors is just the beginning. Feel free to join the conversation. What ways have you found to be effective?

Here’s another resource you or your team may be interested in: 10 Tips on Keeping Good Techs Working in a Cyclical HVAC Business! Check out these ten powerful tips to help you keep good technicians.