Halo Programs | 4 Marketing Ideas to Increase HVAC Appointments This Fall

4 Marketing Ideas to Increase HVAC Appointments This Fall

There are two types of HVAC contractors out there: the “go-getters” and the “wait-and-see-ers.” Which attitude do you think results in more sales? This fall, you have an opportunity to substantially increase HVAC appointments – that is, if you’re willing to go get your customers instead of waiting around for them to come to you. Use these four fall marketing ideas to give your business new life as the seasons change.

Revisit Unsold Quotes
You hold onto the quotes you give customers who don’t end up buying, right? Revisit them and find out if these homeowners ended up buying new equipment from competitors. If they put off the replacement, find out why and whether you could entice them to make the upgrade now. Remember, making a sale at a reduced price is better than making no sale at all if you have excess equipment waiting to be installed.

Call Homeowners’ Associations
To help get your name out there, get in touch with HOAs in your area and ask about upcoming events. Offer to be a keynote speaker with information on one of the following topics:
• How to select an HVAC contractor
• How to save on utility costs
• What a home energy audit entails
• How changing efficiency regulations and the refrigerant phase-out affects homeowners
• Fall maintenance tips to prepare for colder weather
• Key features to look for when replacing HVAC equipment

By speaking on these topics, you prove you’re knowledgeable to those in attendance. You may convince homeowners who were on the fence about an equipment tune-up, repair or replacement that now’s the right time and you’re the right company for the job.

Call Past Customers
Following up is important for maintaining good customer relations, but calling customers who have purchased from you before also offers a chance to sell your services again to past satisfied customers. Ask how happy they are about the equipment you installed, repaired or tuned up and ask if there’s anything you can do for them. Remind these past customers that now may be the time to have their heating equipment tuned up.

As a closing remark before you hang up, let your past customers know that if they have friends or neighbors who need new equipment, this is the ideal time of year to buy. This tidbit plants a seed that may come up in conversation in the coming days and weeks.

Make Warranty Reminder Calls
Look over past customer information and make a list of those whose warranties are about to expire. Call them as a courtesy to remind them that if they have been considering having work done, now is the best time while they’re still under warranty.

While go-getters like you make calls and actively pursue these fall marketing ideas, your competition is twiddling their thumbs, waiting to see whether the phone will ring that day. For more fall marketing ideas, please contact us today.