4 HVAC Social Media Tips

4 Tips to Spruce Up the Social Media Aspect of Your HVAC Marketing Campaign

Promoting your business through social media is essential these days, but for HVAC companies, catching and keeping public interest, as well as winning social media followers, can be hard. People tend to look for HVAC contractors only when they have an emergency on their hands, but it doesn’t have to be that way. To attract and keep social media followers, post messages and content that are valuable and engaging. Make it your goal to provide for your followers what they can’t get from anyone else. How? Here are some HVAC marketing ideas that are working right now for home comfort businesses around the country. Try them and see which ones work best for you:

Create VIP specials

These are offers only available to your followers on Facebook, Twitter or other social media. Do this regularly, perhaps on a monthly basis. Ensure your followers they won’t miss out on these coupons or discounts as long as they follow you.

Share visual case studies (before and after photos) and behind-the-scenes shots

Post photos of a particularly successful project. Post an image of the office mascot, your company anniversary party or a staff member’s birthday celebration.

Include an employee photo with your next HVAC tip to humanize your brand and give prospects and customers a more personal experience. For example, “Bob, our master plumber, reminds you to check for leaky faucets around the house. Water bills can skyrocket this time of year!”

Promote your blog posts

Tell your social media followers about what your latest blog post can do for them. Stress the value the blog post has to the follower rather than self-promoting your business. For example, you might post on social media, “Wondering what that strange A/C noise is? Learn what could be causing it with our latest blog post.” The link will take your social media audience to your website, where you may turn them into a regular visitor and/or get new signups for your monthly newsletter or email list. If it’s especially informative, your social media followers may share or re-tweet your blog link—and you’ll get people talking about the issue and your company.

Ask a question

Pose questions to spur conversation and interaction on social media. To get some group participation going, for example, try posting something like, “It’s allergy season! What’s your best tip for keeping the air in your home allergen free? Share your suggestions! We’ll do a roundup of the top tips in our upcoming blog post.”

Next time you’re stumped as to what to post about on social media for your HVAC business, look through this list of tips for inspiration.

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