Are You Using Business Ecards For Marketing? Three Reasons You Should Be
Are you satisfied with results of your marketing efforts? Does your overall marketing strategy include a variety of tools, including social media, direct mail and lead generation to reach the widest consumer base possible? If it doesn’t include business ecards for marketing, you’re likely missing out on a huge demographic and the potential to increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns as a whole.
Three Primary Benefits Of Business Ecards
For small businesses, ecard marketing can help you strategize and communicate like the big boys, but at a cost you can afford.
- It’s timely: Business ecards are time sensitive. Unlike postal mailings, customers receive your ecards immediately, and the response has the potential to be immediate as well. You can also link ecard materials to correspond to customer needs. For instance, you can send a thank you card after a sale or referral. Or, boost your brand awareness by sending out holiday ecards. To address a problem situation after a phone call from a disgruntled customer, follow up with an appropriately designed ecard. Ecards are also a great way to subtly ask for a referral from your satisfied customers.
- It’s cost effective: Implementing such a program requires minimal investment. Email marketing through business ecards requires that you develop your communication touch points and invest in a system or service, but then the program does the rest of the work for you, allowing you to put your focus on business development. And don’t discount the savings on postage.
- It’s personal: Just like a postal mailing program, you can personalize emails by including customer names and other relevant information. This can be especially helpful for today’s consumers, and set your business apart, with the often impersonal means of communications consumers are accustomed to, such as computerized service centers and internet transactions.
Can you benefit from using business ecards for marketing? Find out how you can expand your efforts, and boost your bottom line, by contacting Halo Programs today. Our team of expert consultants is happy to answer your questions, and walk you through our comprehensive, turn-key lead generation, customer retention, and prospecting programs.
Marketing image via Shutterstock.