Halo Programs | What is Lead Incubation?

What is Lead Incubation?

Somewhere within your customer database you probably have a substantial number of expired leads. You may have expended some effort trying to convert these leads into customers, but eventually you decided that they were no longer viable targets to pursue.

If those old leads were once interested in your products and services, there’s a good likelihood they still are. By using the techniques of lead incubation, you may be able to rekindle their interest and, through a carefully planned and timed process of contact and cultivation, turn them into happy paying customers.

What is lead incubation?

This is the gradual process of staying in contact with your potential leads until they can be transformed into a customer. Like a hen on a nest of eggs that she eventually incubates into a clutch of chicks, a well-nurtured and patiently pursued strategy of contact will keep leads warm until you’ve made them comfortable with you and have developed a level of trust in what you have to say and offer. Comfortable leads who have been effectively incubated will hatch into active customers.

Incubation is slow and steady

Lead incubation isn’t a strategy that will work with occasional email contacts or one-off marketing campaigns. It must be allowed to work gradually over time with consistent contact, sincere offers to help and the passing on of useful information with genuine value. By remaining persistent but not annoying, you’ll demonstrate dedication to customers and a determination to succeed.

Put the needs of the customer first

Customers have individual pain points, and they’re seeking products and services that will provide relief. Tailor your marketing message to different segments of your potential leads who have different goals and needs. Where possible, use individualized marketing techniques with customized information and calls to action. When a lead understands that you know what they want and can meet their needs, they’ll be more likely to make the shift from prospect to customer.

How many older leads do you have in your customer database that could be revived and turned into customers through the lead incubation process?

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