4 Ways Loan Officers Can Use Video Marketing To Engage Prospects
Video marketing is an effective way to reach clients. Videos often engage the viewer more than words alone. A variety of professionals use video marketing to help garner more clients, including loan officers.
What sort of videos should you create? Standing in front of the camera and speaking scripted lines can be dry and boring. Instead, look into visual-style marketing videos that appeal to the senses. This type of video grabs the viewer’s attention much more than a stranger simply standing there and talking into a camera.
In fact, visitors spend an average of six minutes on websites with video content. In contrast, some may navigate away in less than one minute if the page lacks videos. In short, video marketing allows you to present useful information in an engaging, attention-grabbing way. Use video marketing in the following four ways to engage your prospects and gain new clients.
1. Create a resource library on your website or blog. After you film and edit the first video, upload a link to your website or blog. Compile a number of videos into an ever-expanding resource library for prospects to explore. These videos put potential clients’ minds at ease as they anticipate beginning the process of taking out a loan. By making your clients more comfortable before they even contact you, the first step of gaining a new customer is already complete.
2. Upload to YouTube, Facebook and other social media sites. Hop on over to YouTube and create a channel for your business. You can modify the design of your channel’s page to reflect you brand’s look. Upload the same videos that you put into your website’s resource library. As the number of videos grows, so does the number of views and subscribers to your channel.
Of course, you need to get the word out about your presence on YouTube if you want to garner any subscribers. The best way to do this is to advertise the channel on other social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter. Post the videos on your homepage and encourage followers to click the link with a compelling statement or question accompanying the video post.
At the end of every video, feature your website’s URL. Also list a clickable web link in the video’s description to make it possible to visit your website with just one click of the mouse.
3. Complement email marketing campaigns. Don’t wait for people to stumble upon your videos. Send them out directly to any of your prospects as part of an email marketing campaign. A link within the email sends the prospect directly to your YouTube channel or resource library where the video is posted. To increase the click-through rate, feature a snapshot from the video within the email instead of merely a link to click on.
Including videos in your email marketing efforts gives your prospects an easy way to forward the content to their friends and family, increasing referrals and helping you gain additional clients.
4. Use videos as a lead generation tool. Create an especially informative video on the topic of your choice (USDA loans, insider secrets to credit scoring, five factors that influence interest rates, etc.) and create an opt-in form required to view the video. This acts as a lead generation tool you can use to further your customer base. Be sure to promote your lead generation video to gain exposure and increase traffic to your site.