5 Biggest Mistakes in Corporate Blogging

An engaging and informative blog is an essential part of your company’s digital marketing strategy. Many company owners and managers make the same mistakes as others and fall behind their competition by making a halfhearted attempt at corporate blogging. Avoid these five common blogging mistakes:

Not using social media effectively

Social media allows you to promote your blog post to people specifically in the market for your services rather than just advertising to a mass audience. You can benefit from the free advertising of social media posts about your content and by running targeted paid advertisements.

Expecting too much too soon

Building a loyal following for your corporate blog takes time. Doing so involves establishing a strong social media presence and achieving good rankings in search results of keywords. Many companies publish a few posts and then neglect their blogs when they don’t see the desired results right away.

Having a poor keyword strategy

Part of effective corporate blogging is boosting your online presence by generating more visits to your site from search engines. Aiming for high-traffic keywords will usually miss the mark. It is better to go for low-competition keywords that are more relevant to your audience and easier to achieve a high ranking.

Lacking a clear strategy

Trying to attract too broad of an audience with your corporate blogging will typically do little to generate quality results. Establish what users can expect when they visit your blog, and you are in a better position to establish yourself as an industry expert. Have a monitoring system in place, so you can track your results on search engines and social media.

Having no call to action

You should not be overly promotional with your blog, but you want to accomplish more than just increasing traffic. Invite visitors to subscribe to your newsletter, follow you on social media, or contact you for a consultation. Corporate blogging is an effective tool when you use it properly.