5 Ways to Convert Those Online Leads Into Legitimate Sales

June 2013 Issue

5 Ways to Convert Those Online Leads Into Legitimate Sales

It’s one thing to drive real estate leads to your website, but if you can’t convert online leads, you’re wasting opportunities that you worked hard to earn. To make sure that your online leads have a shot at turning into offline paychecks, follow these five tips.

  • Make your website accessible. Pictures, links and videos are all great things to have; fancy navigation schemes using Flash or other plug-ins and software aren’t. Not only can they hurt your search engine ranking, but they can also slow down users on computers and completely lock most mobile and tablet users out of your website.
  • Give information without requiring too much of it in return. Think about how much information you can get from most e-commerce sites without registering or filling in a form. Offer the same to your visitors and, if they’re motivated, they will reach out to you to inquire about your real estate services.
  • Think beyond the transaction. At any given time, between 5 and 7 percent of homeowners are active in the market. To convert online leads with the 93 to 95 percent of people that aren’t looking for a listing or buyer representative, you need to provide services and information that they find useful. If you do, this type of interaction begins a relationship based on valuable information, and now you have a shot at their future business and referrals.
  • Be easy to contact. When prospects want to reach out to you, make your website easy for them to use. If they’re on a mobile phone, they won’t want to fill out a long form. Use cross-media marketing methods to get people to you and require as little information from them as possible.
  • Be responsive. If you want to convert online leads, respond right away. If they’re sent to your mobile device, it’s possible to achieve this goal and, if you do, studies show that you should achieve a conversion rate as high as 79 percent. Furthermore, once you’ve found a good lead, keep incubating it. While they expect an immediate response from you, they probably won’t move as quickly. Spending 12 to 18 months nurturing the relationship will eventually pay off!

For additional real estate marketing advice, please contact me anytime.