The Secret Ingredient To Effective Customer Loyalty Programs
What is the No. 1 secret to creating successful customer loyalty programs? It’s not a new concept; the best way to ensure loyalty is to develop a program based on consistent communication with customers. The best program is entirely customized and personalized.
You see, satisfied customers expect continued contact, and they want businesses they trust to be easy to find when they need additional services or have a referral. That’s why one of the hottest marketing commodities today is social media, as it’s a built-in communication platform. Combine the latest and greatest with the tried and true, and you have a real recipe for success — all from one secret ingredient.
So how do you get that communication going? Create a comprehensive marketing campaign using:
- Systematic cross-media delivery – With one comprehensive goal, you can optimize a cross-media campaign to communicate with your customers, using digitally personalized printed mailings and electronic media, including e-mail with social media integration.
- Customer retention strategies – Develop a solid plan to keep those customers you worked so hard to get and continue building trust and loyalty. Get creative with your messages and don’t forget to ask your customers if they need any information from you or if they have a friend or family member that could use your services.
- Customer satisfaction surveys – Find out why your customers chose your company and what your customers are thinking so your business can respond to trends — a surefire way to meet your customers’ needs and drive growth. Having a third party send your surveys generates more honest responses.
- E-mail marketing – Put those hard-won e-mail addresses to work in a customer loyalty program. You can use e-mail marketing touch points to generate online leads, solicit referrals and cross sell, as a low-cost way to stay in touch.
- Thank you cards – Print materials are not a lost marketing art form. They still work, and thank you cards get unmatched results. In terms of customer loyalty, the personal touch never fails. And putting a physical marketing piece in the hands of your customers helps to create an emotional bond, a stepping stone to building trust.
Position your business for growth, and put effective customer loyalty programs to work for you. For more information, contact Halo Programs, the leader in customizable and personalized marketing campaigns that increase brand awareness while generating exclusive leads from your past customers.
Social media image via Shutterstock