Business Cross-Sell Tactics That Deliver

business cross sell tactics, Halo ProgramsNeed business cross-sell tactics that work? While it’s clear that successful businesses must cross sell, knowing how to put an effective program in place isn’t always easy. With a strategy that encourages cross selling, educates customers about your products and services and strategically timed sales pitches, you can get measurable results – and increase your return on investment.

What does a business cross-selling program that effectively encourages consumers to buy related products and services look like? The following factors should be in place:

  • Look for natural openings – Restaurants that offer patrons a salad with their meal is a classic example of a natural fit. What works naturally with your best-selling products and services? Work a gentle sales pitch into that communication touch point.
  • Go easy – Avoid the urge to oversell products or services; instead, choose a few strategic options.
  • Use recommendations – Provide expert recommendations. Amazon is a good example of a successful business cross-sell strategy. No matter what a customer purchases, a suggestion follows for related products that like-minded consumers have purchased.
  • Don’t sidestep training – Your sales staff should be versed in cross-selling your products and services. While balancing sales goals, the focus should be finding out what the customer needs and then responding.
  • Consider timing – Business cross-selling can be implemented at a variety of points in the customer life cycle. Develop a strategy for timing your pitches.
  • Use bundling and pricing strategies – Bundling several products at a reduced price can encourage customers to try related products, as can suggesting several products at different price points.

Find out how to boost your business cross-sell tactics by contacting Halo Programs. Ask about our proven turnkey marketing programs. Our customizable programs are designed to fit your cross-selling needs, and we will personalize marketing touch points to effectively build your brand.