Build Your Customer Base by Earning That “Best of” Distinction in Your Industry

In a competitive business environment, sometimes having a better reputation than your competition is enough to cause customers to choose you over others. Customers want reassurance that they’re getting the best possible products and services for their money. You can build your customer base effectively by showing leads and customers that you’ve been acknowledged by…


There’s Always Room for Improvement When It Comes to Customer Experience

One of the main components of success for any company is customer service. Without excellent service, your customers are likely to be dissatisfied enough to seek better products, services and solutions from competitors. Even if you think your company is providing outstanding customer service, it could be possible that the process has broken down somewhere within…

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Customer Database Marketing: The Key to Lead Generation and Retention

The daily work of finding new leads and retaining customers will, over time, generate considerable amounts of data. To continue bringing in new leads and serving your current customer base, this data needs to be organized and managed effectively. Effective CRM and database tools will allow you to use the data you already possess for…


How to Maximize Customer Retention So Your Marketing Efforts Don’t Go to Waste

Conventional wisdom is that it costs substantially more to acquire a new customer than it does to keep a customer you already have. Effective customer retention requires careful attention, not only to larger issues of product quality, pricing and customer service, but to smaller and more subtle factors that can erode client confidence and inspire…

5 Ways to Promote Client Referrals With Stellar Customer Experience

When you give clients an outstanding customer experience, they naturally gain a higher level of trust in you and develop a highly positive opinion of your company, employees, products and services. At the point when customers feel most favorable to you, they’re also more likely to be willing to provide high-quality client referrals to family, friends and…

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Customer Relationship Management and Marketing Go Hand-In-Hand

Once you’ve acquired a pool of customers, you can’t assume they’ll stick with you and return to purchase again and again. The relationship between your company and your customers must be nurtured and cultivated over time, which will translate into more sales and better customer retention. Customer relationship management helps keep your existing customers happy and…

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Repeat Customer Marketing: Growing Your Existing Book of Business

Study after study has shown that it costs more for a business to attract new customers than to retain existing ones. Low estimates suggest it’s four times more costly to get a new customer than keep an old one, while higher estimates put the cost at 30 times or higher. A well-planned and executed program…

Lead Generation and Marketing Automation Go Hand in Hand
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Lead Generation and Marketing Automation Go Hand in Hand

Marketing automation is a business strategy that can give you a significant edge in the acquisition, nurturing and conversion of new customers. Evidence continues to mount that a well-run and intelligently deployed system of marketing automation can produce substantial improvements in sales efficiency, lead generation, customer retention and conversion.

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