Need Backside Marketing? Make The Most Of Your Space
Printed direct mail marketing is an effective way to provide information to a prospect or customer while promoting your business at the same time. The primary message is displayed on the front of the material, and an additional marketing message is included on the back. You’re already paying for printing and mailing, why not make use of all the space you have?
Think about how you could use these marketing techniques to boost your business:
- Thank you notes – If you send thank you cards to your customers (and you should be doing this) use the back space to include a reward thanking them for their business.
- Loyalty cards – The back of a loyalty card is prime real estate. Customers keep these in their wallets and hopefully see them often, so make sure you get the most from all the space you have. Use durable plastic cards to increase longevity and encourage the customer to keep it with them.
- Direct mail pieces – Whether it is a postcard, a letter or even a magnet, think of it as a reversible item and use the back side to your advantage.
Marketing techniques you might include on the back side of pieces include:
- Testimonials from satisfied customers
- References that prospects can contact
- Coupons or other incentives
- Social media badges
- Up sell and cross sell other products and services
- A QR code that links to your website
- New product announcements
- Contests and prize drawings
Like any other marketing method, it is important to have professionally designed materials and a call to action that prompts the customer to do something: “like” your Facebook page, send in a survey, visit your website, purchase a complementary product, etc.
Does your company employ any special marketing techniques? Please share your thoughts.
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