Generate HVAC Client Testimonials to Use to Your Advantage

Want to stand out from the crowd? Client testimonials can get your HVAC business noticed. Sincere customer comments function like references for your business and are very credible to prospects. Testimonials can have as much positive effect on your business as good online reviews can, boosting confidence in your brand and validating your skills. A great way to generate testimonials is to add it to your customer satisfaction survey, whether you conduct it online or by mail.

Vague, anonymous or overly long customer testimonials don’t ring true or hold attention – and have little power to persuade homeowners or business / commercial clients. Plan ahead to get the most useful testimonial content. Ideal testimonials tell a detailed, yet succinct, story of a client’s experience with you. They’re specific about what problems your company solved – and benefits the client received.

Essential Elements for Successful Client Testimonials: Content Tips

  • Use the customer’s real name (plus title and company if appropriate) to give the opinion more weight.
  • If you’re able to introduce and set up the testimonial, lead off by succinctly describing the main benefits or solution that your client received from your company. Use a case study type of approach, where the client makes clear the problem and level of pain they had – prior to your solution. Bold or otherwise highlight main points for emphasis.
  • Add a client photo or use video for the testimonial to increase the trust factor.
  • When you receive a compliment or you’ve just ended a good meeting, request a testimonial. You might set up a recording device in your shop or office (or have a portable with you for outside meetings, service calls, conferences, events) to record comments immediately.
  • Be sure to ask/inform the client if you’re recording audio/video. No matter the format, let them know how you’ll use their comments. Get their permission to use their testimonial for marketing purposes.

Marketing Strategy and Placement: Using Testimonials Online and in Print
Integrate fresh client testimonials into your HVAC Marketing everywhere, including:

  • Advertising.
  • Direct Mail Campaigns.
  • Brochures.
  • Customer “spotlight” in your email newsletter.
  • Social media platforms.
  • Your website.
  • Videos testimonials. These can be posted on your website, your YouTube channel and Twitter / Vine, Facebook / Instagram and LinkedIn – as appropriate to the audience. (Your clip might go viral.) Make sure you’re not “always” selling or promoting on social media. Remember to interact, answer questions and share other content as well.
  • Printed marketing collateral, sales materials or leave-behinds.
  • Sales presentations or proposals.

Focus on Relevancy: Use Peer-targeted Testimonials
If you’re including a happy customer quote in a sales letter, use one from an industry colleague (if you’re selling to commercial clients) or similar-demographic peer to the homeowner (for residential prospects). This way, the prospect can better relate to your message rather than seeing it as a sales tactic. Segment email/postal mailing lists and include testimonials of peers, roughly matching the demographic of your list. Peer testimonials carry weight when selling home comfort products and services. Your potential clients want to hear from people like themselves talking about your excellent HVAC services.

For marketing solutions to grow your business, contact us. Check out some of the testimonials that we are most proud of!