Is Using Instagram Appropriate for Your Company’s Needs?

As one of the primary photo and video sites, Instagram attracts millions of visitors who post upward of 70 million photos a day. As a business owner, you can use Instagram to help market your products and services, engage with your customers, and establish your brand online. Here are some effective ways of using Instagram for social media marketing:

  • Seek a following: Ask readers of your blog or website to follow you on Instagram. Make sure your Facebook account and Instagram accounts are connected and that you use appropriate hashtags. Follow others and like their photos, especially industry leaders or prominent customers who could improve your credibility.
  • Reciprocate with your followers: When someone follows you on Instagram, follow them back. This broadens and strengthens your network and fills it with people who have engaged with your brand.
  • Post appropriately, not obsessively: People are deluged with online content, so it’s not a good idea to post constantly on Instagram. Frequent posting could become annoying. Devise a workable posting schedule that isn’t too obtrusive but keeps your message out there. Post genuinely useful, interesting content every few days.
  • Complete your profile: Completely fill out your Instagram profile with information potential customers need to find your website, call your customer service department, or learn about your offerings. An incomplete profile might make it look like you don’t care.
  • Engage with followers: Engage with your followers with techniques such as holding photography contests, offering rewards or incentives, or posting pictures of customers using your products.
  • Develop your personality: Post interesting, fun photographs from your business to show your personality and increase connections with your readers. Include photos of employees, pictures from company events, and images that help humanize your company.
  • Educate yourself: Take advantage of the Instagram for Business blog containing suggestions, examples, news, and tools you can use to improve your success. Use image analytics programs to quantify your progress and determine results.

How could you use Instagram to improve your company’s marketing? Or, if you’re already using Instagram for social media marketing, what could you do to boost results?

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